Friday, December 4, 2009

singing in the rain

i think rainy season has officially begun. i've worn my rainjacket everyday this week. but i love walking in the rain. i put my hood up, stuff my purse under my jacket, and sing my heart out. i'm sure i might seem a little crazy - everyone else tries to walk close to buildings and under roofs - but who cares? the only problem is crossing streets - one step off the sidewalk and its into a murky river flowing with garbage.

i had some actual bonding time with my host brother, manolo, yesterday. usually our interaction consists of my eating dinner, he walking in and saying something really, really fast and i respond with a si, and he walks away. he's 33, lives in a room off the house, and is getting married on dec. 23. turns out he plays walleyball (volleyball in a raquetball court) every tuesday and thursday night. he invited me to come and while i was a little apprehensive (i asked if any girls played, picturing my nose getting broken by a rogue shot) but went along. ended up having a blast. we played 3 on 3 and although its been a while (9th grade gym class), i held my own. it's a nice replacement since vball ended last week.

today i ventured out to run some errands for centro menno. we're selling cds in the sala and needed some colored photocopies of the album covers. i wandered up and down some streets, stopping in at copy places and asking if they had color copies. i finally found a place - a video game playing internet cafe - and got my copies. as i was walking back to centro menno, i realized that the little outing was completely painless and not awkward. sure i didn't speak the best spanish, but i got my message across and got what i needed.

1 comment:

  1. It's great to hear how you continue to acclimate to the Bolivian culture and make more connections. May the Lord bless you as you celebrate the Advent and Christmas season in Bolivia!
